AIA Sierra Valley, along with its Educational, Business and Community Partners: Stockton Unified School District, Lincoln Unified School District, Joaquin County of Office of Education, San Joaquin Delta Community College, LDA Partners, Ray Morgan Company, Architectnica, Grainger and The Stockton Builders’ Exchange, present the 1st Stockton ACED Festival, scheduled for Friday, October 2, 2015 and Saturday, October 3, 2015.

2015.09.04 ACED Flyer 8.5 x 11 FINAL

Friday October 2nd
The intent of this event is to provide an opportunity for K-12 students and the public in Stockton, California and the surrounding communities of San Joaquin County to learn about Architecture, Construction, Engineering, and Design. A full curriculum involving hands on design and building projects, engineering experiments, technical lectures, construction site visits, historic walking tours, and a film presentation will be conducted at Stockton Area Schools, the Miracle Mile, and Downtown Stockton.

Saturday October 3rd
A public screening of the film, If You Build It will take place on and will feature a reception and public presentation of the educational programs from Friday.


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