Client Profile:
Child Start is headquartered in Napa, California with 22 separate branch locations. Child Start offers nutritional and educational programs for youth and mentoring programs for the parents as well. This service provides support to hundreds of under privileged families in both Napa and Solano counties.
In 2012, Ray Morgan Company Sales Executive Jim Adams along with Corporate President Greg Martin discussed the possibility of upgrading current capabilities while reducing their costs, based on a referral from InterWest Insurance. At the time, Child First was under contract with another vendor. However, it was determined that the account had as one of its goals reducing expenses and becoming more automated.
Human Resources Director Debbie McGrath began dialogue with Adams and Martin. She expressed interest in Ray Morgan Company’s Document Technology Assessment (DTA). McGrath saw the value in measuring their current exposure while examining a new course of action. The client indicated her document management requirements and workflow were due for thorough evaluation.
During a subsequent meeting Adams and McGrath discussed the objectives. Adams presented the benefits of the assessment and also introduced some new technologies that would streamline their process.
A comprehensive, location-by-location assessment was conducted. Examined closely were their monthly costs, output volumes, and general workflow. Substantial recommendations derived from this written report.
- Child Start had five equipment leases from two separate leasing companies. There were two general lease end dates. One was in Aug, 2012. The other ended in 2014. Whereas one was nearing its conclusion, the other had more than two years left.
- Fax costs were very high. They had lines into each of their locations. Their monthly telephone bill was in excess of $2,000.
- Opportunity existed to help refine an overall document management strategy to integrate all output and workflow.
- Overall leasing plus maintenance costs was $6,772.13 per month.
- Total annual expenses, including fax was $81,265.56
RMC Solution:
- Replace all current equipment with Canon multifunctional devices.
- Streamline the financial arrangements by combining all leases into one instrument.
- Ray Morgan Company to assume all financial responsibilities remaining on all existing leases.
- Allow Ray Morgan Company to assume responsibility for all service repairs, service calls, parts, and supplies, demonstrating the advantage of a one-vendor solution.
- Install a fax server to allow for facsimile traffic to be more productive and cost-effective, allowing for paperless capability, enhanced compliance, security and sustainability.
- Ray Morgan also used a piggyback contract to meet non-profit and state-funded purchasing requirements.
The implementation was orchestrated proactively and was executed efficiently with minimum staff inconvenience. Timelines were coordinated so that delivery could take place immediately after the summer break had begun. Required training and reconfiguration was executed per the schedule established in advance. All aspects were handled in a professional manner with consistent communication.
By conducting a thorough document technology assessment, Adams and Martin, along with the help of Jason Milan, made recommendations leading to improved efficiency and productivity. Child First went through a revelation in technology. Printing, scanning, copying, and faxing enhancement resulted in a savings of $59,025 over five years. Child First found this to be a highly beneficial experience. As a result Child First has become an excellent RMC reference. An ongoing account review process is conducted quarterly to continuously look for new ways of achieving the goals of reducing costs and becoming more efficient.
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